Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Training Run followed by some Yoga

Thursday, 6/2 - 30 minutes of Running
  • 3.46 miles, 45' 19" minutes, 13' 07" min/mile average pace, 152 BPM average heart rate
  • Yoga - 22 minutes (Rodney Yee's AM Yoga for Your Week - Standing Poses)
Ok so I was totally right about last night's workout. My arms are killing me! I had no idea that I could have pain in areas that I have pain. I will definitely be doing that video at least once a week from now on! (I think I am a gluten for punishment ... oh well.) I ran on the treadmill again tonight. For all those that don't like running on the treadmill, they really do serve a purpose, especially for people who live in really hot, humid climates and can't go for a run until after work during the heat of the day (people like me). I don't love running on the treadmill but they work for me during the work week. I will be running my long runs outside though. On a treadmill, I am able to monitor my pace and can do speed intervals a lot easier. Essentially, tonight my workout was the same as the one on Tuesday night. I did switch it up a little bit but not too much. I started out walking with a 1.0% incline at a 3.0 mph pace. After 5 minutes, I increased the pace to 3.5 mph, which I maintained for the next 10 minutes. My plan for today was to really try and keep my heart rate fairly constant and to not go over the 170 BPM mark (my heart rate peaked at 170 BPM). I felt good after those first 10 minutes of running and my heart rate was hovering between 150 and 155 so I increased my pace to 4.0 mph, which I maintained for 20 minutes. After I completed my planned 30 minutes of running, I started my cool down by slowing my pace back down to 3.5 mph for 5 minutes and then finished with a 5 minute walk at 3.0 mph. I know that running on a treadmill is very different from running on the road but it is working for me so far. On Saturday, my goal is to start off slow so that I will be able to run the entire 3 miles outside. After my run tonight, I popped in one of my many yoga videos and did about 20 minutes of Standing Poses. It felt sooooo good to stretch and lengthen all of my leg muscles. I felt so good afterwards that I am going to try and continue to incorporate yoga into my post-workout routine.

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