Friday, July 15, 2011

Lauren Brooks is amazing!

Friday - Strength Training
  • Kettlebells - 20 minutes (Joint Mobility Warm Up and Fat Blast Workout)
Let me just start by saying that I had no intention of using my new Kettlebell DVD until sometime next week after I had the chance to get a heavier bell. I am so glad that I tried it today though. First off, I was completely taken off guard with how fast I received it in the mail. It only took two days and it came via USPS! Secondly, I want to get the most out of my new Kettlebell training regiment so I wanted to go get a heavier bell before I started. While I was at work today, I figured out that I would have enough time to do one of my long Kettlenetics DVDs. (You guessed it. I didn't wake up early enough to do my workout before work again this morning.) By the time I got home, my mind was changed. I decided that before I go out and buy a new, heavier kettlebell I should make sure that the 8 lb. bell isn't heavy enough. I know now after doing this workout that I really do need a heavier bell.

This workout DVD is by far one of the best ones that I have come across. There are three different follow along workouts and step-by-step instructions for 15 beginner kettlebell exercises, not to mention the tons of other useful information provided. One thing that sets this DVD apart from the others is that it feels personal. Lauren talks to you as if you were actually taking her class in Southern California. Most instructors on workout videos attempt to make you feel like you are taking a class with them in person. The other workout videos always fall short of this and you end up feeling alienated from the teacher. Another aspect I really like about this video is the portability of the workout. I never thought I would ever say that about a workout video. Now I know that as long as I have a DVD player and adequate floor space, I can pretty much do any workout video anywhere. That type of portability is not what I meant. I mean that this workout can literally be taken to the gym as long as the gym has kettlebells. I love the fact that as soon as I feel comfortable with my form and technique I don't really need the video. This workout DVD is based on true interval training and Lauren tells you what the intervals are so you aren't guessing and you aren't trying to follow the beat of the background music.

Today, I did two of the three workouts and the step-by-step instructions included on the DVD. No matter how many times you have done a certain move it is always a good idea to do the step-by-step instructions included on the DVD. Each instructor is obviously going to have their own way of doing things and you may learn something new that will help improve your form and technique. The step-by-step instructions on this DVD are fantastic. Lauren is very thorough and really emphasizes where the power and effort of the exercise should come from. The Joint Mobility Warm Up is a six minute workout that can be used as a warm up, a cool down or both. I used is a warm up today. The Fat Blast Workout is a 12 minute workout. It is based on 30 second intervals of the different exercises broken up with intervals of rest. When I first started this workout, I was afraid that because I was using a bell that was lighter than recommended I wouldn't get the most from the workout. I was wrong. By the end of the 12 minutes, I was drenched with sweat and heart rate was definitely raised.

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