Saturday, July 16, 2011

Long Run No. 5 ... Not such a great run ...

Saturday - 4 miles (changed to 6.5 miles)
  • 6.52 miles, 80' 35" minutes, 12' 21" min/mile average pace, 167 BPM average heart rate
  • Splits:
    • mile 1 - 11' 07" min/mile
    • mile 2 - 11' 31" min/mile
    • mile 3 - 11' 20" min/mile
    • mile 4 - 11' 42" min/mile
    • mile 5 - 12' 49" min/mile
    • mile 6 - 16' 09" min/mile
When I first start training, I read somewhere that not every run is going to be a great one, not every run is going to be easy and not every run is going to be effortless. My run this morning was not great, easy or effortless. My run was hard and painful but I didn't give up. I will live to run another day.

I woke up this morning at 5:30. The summer heat is in full swing so I figured that if I woke up early enough I would be able to beat the heat  ... most of it anyway. After I woke up, I made my breakfast of yogurt and granola. My sister always asks me if I get bored with eating the same thing every morning. My response to her is no because while I always eat yogurt and granola the flavors are never the same. I also feel like I have loads of energy in the morning after I eat my breakfast. After eating my breakfast, I started getting ready for my run but I hit a bit of a snag. Since my boyfriend was still sleeping, I didn't want to turn any lights on in the bedroom. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the outfit I wanted. I must have spent 20 minutes rooting through my clothes looking (or rather feeling) for the clothes I wanted to wear. My day didn't start off on the right foot. Finally, I found the clothes I had been searching for. I quickly changed, finished getting ready, and my first serving of Clif Shot Bloks. I know that my schedule only called for 4 miles but I decided that I should make up the long run I missed last week. I figured that trying to run 8 miles next week would be much easier if I ran the 6.5 miles today. My runs this week went really well. I know they were on a treadmill but I stll felt really good about my run today.

The first two miles were actually great. I went a different route on my running trail. The route brought me throught a residential neighborhood, which had nice scenery and wonderfully shaded sidewalks. Once I made the loop throught the neighborhood, I ended up back on my normal route, which does not have shaded sidewalks at all. This was at about 7:45, which means that the sun was already well on its way to being high in the sky. From that point on, I felt labored and extremely uncomfortable. I started counting the minutes until I was supposed to eat my energy gel. I also continued to guzzle my water. At the halfway point (3.25 miles in), I ate my Clif Shot energy gel in hopes that it might help me power through to the end of my run. I am still experimenting with my nutrition during my run so I decided to try the Clif Shot energy gel today. I tried the vanilla flavored one and while it was delicious it was also sickly sweet. After finishing my energy gel, I continued running hoping that I would have some crazy jolt of energy but it never came. I also must have been dehydrated because I couldn't get enough water. By the end of mile 4, I had finished 22 oz. of water and heading stright for the water fountain. During mile 6, I actually stopped running and walked most of it. I did run the last half mile of my run, which felt good.

Even though I completed the distance, I don't feel like it was a really good run. After my run, I sat down and tried to figure out what went wrong so that I can make the proper adjustments for my run next week. I looked at my food diary and realized that I more than likely didn't eat enough carbs last night. Next Friday, I will have to make sure that I am eating more carbs and protein so that I have enough stored energy for my body to perform the way that it should. I also only had 8 cups of water, which was obviously not enough. I am going to have to really drink more water next Friday and try and get at least 12 cups in me efore I go to sleep. Hopefully, my 8 mile run next week will go much better.

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