Saturday, July 23, 2011

Long Run No. 6 ... I need a better running strategy ...

Saturday - 8 miles
  • 8.01 miles, 98' 15" minutes, 12' 16" min/mile average pace, 167 BPM average heart rate
  • Splits:
    • mile 1 - 10' 56" min/mile
    • mile 2 - 11' 05" min/mile
    • mile 3 - 11' 15" min/mile
    • mile 4 - 11' 47" min/mile
    • mile 5 - 13' 26" min/mile
    • mile 6 - 12' 22" min/mile
    • mile 7 - 11' 55" min/mile
    • mile 8 - 15' 23" min/mile
This morning's run went much better than last week's long run. I did come across some issues along the way but as a whole the run felt and went better. Even though I set my alarm for 5:30, I didn't actually get up until 7:30. I went to bed around 10:30 but I guess I needed the extra sleep. Of course, by sleeping in those extra two hours that meant that I would be running during the heat of the morning. While I was getting ready for my run, I decided that I would adjust my route so that I would spend as much time as possible in the shade. That was the only way that I was going to avoid overheating. I also didn't have the time I normally like to have between when I wake up to when I go for my run. I ate my breakfast as quickly as possible so that it would have some time to digest. I was afraid that the yogurt and granola might actually turn in my stomach because I didn't allow it to digest fully. Once I was dressed and my breakfast was eaten, I filled up my water bottle and ate my first serving of my running food. I chose to eat a serving of strawberry flavored Clif Shot Bloks before my run and a serving of mocha flavored Clif Shot Energy Gel during my run. Last week I tried the vanilla flavored Clif Shot and that was a little too sweet for me so I figured the mocha flavored one may not be as sweet.

I headed out the door around 8:15 and started walking to my running trail. The actual trail runs along a seawall and a road with houses and a shaded sidewalk. Because I was starting out so late this morning, I chose to not run on the actual running trail but rather the shaded sidewalk that runs parallel to it on the other side of the road. I also normally like to start at the beginning of the trail because it has mile markers that make it a little easier to ensure that I am running the correct mileage. Instead, I chose to start earlier so that I would be able to run as much as possible in the shade. I also chose to run through the residential neighborhoos again this week. My run went well for the most part. The first four miles actually seemed fairly easy to me. I didn't feel the desire to stop running and start walking at all. Of course when I reached the four mile mark, it was time to eat my Clif Shot Energy Gel. I haven't quite figured out how to open the Clif Shot packeage while I am running, which means that I actually stop and walk while opening and eating my energy gel. Unfortunately, my mind starts playing games with me at that point. Once I allow myself to take a walk break, it becomes easier for my mind to convince my legs to stop running. I need to come up with a better way to eat my energy gels so that I don't need to take a walk break. This will probably require that I get a running belt that will hold my water bottle instead of me holding it in my hands. Maybe if I have both hands free, it will be easier to get the package open while I'm running. The last fours miles were not terribly hard but if I started feeling too hot or out of breath or like my heart rate was too high I would stop running and walk for a little bit. I know that I could have run the entire distance but I didn't and I let myself down.

Nest week's Saturday run is scheduled to be four miles. One of those four miles is supposed to be another Magic Mile. With all of my recent training and increased long run distances, my Magic Mile time should have improved but I won't find out until next week. The following week I have a 9.5 mile long run scheduled. Before that long run, I am hoping to have a new running belt that should help me free up my hands. I really want to achieve my goal of running the entire race and I need to really focus on that goal during my training if I am going to achieve it. Besides trying out a running belt, I am also going to try a ne strategy. Up to this point, my running strategy has just consisted of lacing up my shoes and listening to my iPod. That hasn't kept me motivated during my last two long runs so I need to switch things up. I read somewhere that some people actually dedicate every mile to a different person and that keeps them going. This technique is usually effective for people during races but I figured I would try it out on my long runs to see if it will work for me. Now I just need to spend the next two weeks coming up with a list of people that motivate me enough to keep running ...

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