Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Almost a perfect day ...

Wednesday - Strength Training
  • Kettlebells - 40 minutes (Sculpt and Condition Workout)
My day was almost perfect. If could have been better but not by much. I actually got a lot of stuff done at work, which made me very happy especially after the power outage yesterday. Of course, I wish that i had gotten more done but there are only so many hours in the day. As usual, my alarm went off and after I shut it off I crawled right back into bed. I beat myself up later when I finally woke back up. I didn't let that destroy my day and I actually ended up getting to work earlier because I didn't do my workout. It was kind of nice to get to work early because I felt like I got a lot done by the time I left the office at 7:30. I headed over to my parents' house to make sure that the cats were okay and to feed them before I went home.

When I got home, my sister was still working on dinner so I changed into my workout clothes. My sister is awesome by the way. Ever since she started her healthy lifestyle journey, she has completely taken charge of making dinner. I love to cook and when she first moved into my place, I actually made dinner most nights. Then her schedule changed and almost all of her classes were at night, which wasn't conducive for cooking dinner. Now that she has decided to do the cooking, she actually kicks me out of the kitchen most nights because she doesn't want my help. Tonight was no different, which is why I did my workout while she finished cooking. Before I decided which workout to do, I did check with her to see how much time I had until dinner was ready. She told me that I had about 45 minutes so I did the Sculpt & Condition Workout, which is 40 minutes. I am not sure what was different tonight but I was really sweating when I finished. I also did the squat thrusts tonight. I haven't done these exercises for about a week because my left knee has been really sore. My knee hasn't bothered me at all today so I decided to give them a try again. When I finished my workout, my knee still wasn't sore and I felt really good. By the way, my sister's dinner tasted as delicious as it smelled the whole time I was working out.

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