Tuesday, August 2, 2011

An early morning run and a stressful power outage …

Tuesday – 3 miles

  • 3.50 miles, 39’ 57” minutes, 11’ 25” min/mile average pace, 141 BPM average heart rate

Knowing that my day was going to be as rushed as it was yesterday, I made sure that I woke up early enough to get my run in. Let me tell you … I had no desire to get out of bed this morning but I did. I noticed that my knee was a little stiff as I rolled out of bed but I decided to go for my run anyway. I don’t believe that it is actually injured. I have hurt my knee before so I know what an injured knee feels like. I didn’t want to cause anymore soreness in my knee so I didn’t do my normal hill workout. I chose to take it easy on the treadmill this morning. After my five minute walking warm up, I set the belt pace to 4.0 mph and maintained that for 40 minutes. I didn’t adjust the incline on the treadmill and left it at 0% for the duration of my workout. After my run, I shortened my walking cool down to five minutes instead of ten. I made that decision because I was already a little behind schedule. My run felt really good this morning. Hopefully, I will be able to start getting up earlier so that I can run outside more as it closer to the big race.

When I finally got to work, I was completely amped up from my run and ready to get lots of work done today. Unfortunately, that was not in the cards. Apparently, at 7:30 this morning (while I was happily running on the treadmill), the transformer blew and the power went out in the whole building. REALLY! I was so livid and absolutely beyond furious. What really upset me the most was the fact that there was nothing I could do to work around it. I did wait around for a little bit and cleaned my desk but the minimum time to fix the problem was 4 hours. I headed home after my desk was cleaned. My boss had already given us the all clear to leave and I was actually one of the last people left in the office. I guess there is always tomorrow.

After a somewhat lazy at home due to a lack of power at the office, I received a rather exciting email. I am sure that you know how much I love kettlebells by now. So while I was at home today, I emailed Lauren Brooks to see if she would send me her 8 week rotation plan for Volumes 1 and 2 of her Ultimate Body Sculpt and Condition DVD series. She responded to me rather quickly and I am so excited to start her plan. Before I start it, I am going to need a heavier bell so I am going to go get one this weekend. Her program looks very doable and like it will fit well into my current training plan. Of course, I am going to be doing either two-a-days or running and strength training  back to back starting next week.

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