Thursday, August 18, 2011

My bliss ...

Thursday - 3 miles
  • 3.58 miles, 40’02” minutes, 11’ 10” min/mile average pace, 140 BPM average heart rate

IMAG0011What is your bliss? My bliss is enjoying my afternoon cup of coffee from Starbucks. My bliss is laying in a pool of my own sweat after a really great workout. My bliss is eating my favorite breakfast while I am curled up reading a book. My bliss is getting my run in no matter what.

As my deadline at work quickly approaches, I realized that my exercise routine has actually suffered. Not in the fact that I am not doing the scheduled workouts. Instead, I feel like I am not giving my all to every single workout. I felt so great after my run on Tuesday night that I wanted to carry that energy forward. I woke up yesterday and did my scheduled kettlebell workout before work but didn’t feel my usual bliss afterwards. After another long and very frustrating day at work, my positive energy from Tuesday’s run was completely gone. So much so that when my alarm went off this morning, I didn’t jump out of bed and change into my running clothes. I didn’t rush out the door to knock out an early morning run on my favorite running trail. I simply turned off the alarm and laid in bed thinking of all the things that I had to get done. This is NOT how I wanted to train for my first half marathon. I promised myself when I started this that work would not get in the way. I guess some promises are meant to be broken even the ones you make to yourself. Luckily, I should be back on track this weekend and I really can’t wait for my upcoming race on Sunday!

I found my bliss tonight on the treadmill. I wasn’t sure that I would be able to find it twice in one week but I did! My run tonight felt wonderful. My training program had today’s run scheduled at an easy 3 miles. I thought this would be a great way for me to test my running strategy for my race on Sunday. I hadn’t realized that I had a strategy until I starting running on the treadmill. My goal for tonight’s run was to keep my heart rate in check and to maintain a relaxed breathing pattern. I figured this would give me a baseline for how I should try to pace myself on Sunday. I am really looking forward to seeing if my time has improved and by how much.

What is your bliss? Do you find it through exercise or through another activity? How do you hold on it that positive energy?


  1. My bliss is... working out. My bliss is... bike rides w/my husband and son. My bliss is... a caramel frapp from Starbucks.. :)
    Love your blog! Followed! I write about fitness and weight loss and I would love it if you stopped by and said hi sometime! I also make workout videos and just vlog about whateva is on my mind! Can't wait to read more! Good luck on Sunday! I was Captain of the girl's Cross Country team last year. My advice, pace yourself, the adrenaline at the beginning of a race might make you run really fast at the beginning, and always, always, give it all you got the last quarter mile! You should feel like ur dying, bc when the race is over you don't want to feel like you still had gas left in the tank... leave it all in the race! Good luck! Can't wait to hear (read) how it goes:)

    @Glamour Glory

  2. Thanks Reyna! My race went really well yesterday. I actually had enough left in me to sprint down the finish shoot. Even though the course was super hilly, I was able to knock a full minute from my previous 5K race time!


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