Monday, August 15, 2011

Sore as sore can be ...

Monday - Strength Training
  • Kettlebells - Sculpt & Condition Workout (40 minutes)
Let me just say that the Back Lunges and Squats from yesterday really worked out my rear end. No joke! As I was climbing out of bed this morning, I realized just how sore my back side really was. I rolled around trying to loosen up my muscles before I decided to go ahead with my workout this morning. Oh my word! Today's strength training workout was scheduled to be the 40 minutes Sculpt & Condition Workout. This is the first time I have done this workout with the 15 lb. kettlebell. I didn't think that this workout would be terrible because I have done it before with the 8 lb. bell and I feel like I getting my comfortable with the 15 lb. bell. I had no idea that my kettlebell could kick my butt any more than it already has. Boy was I really wrong. I think the butt kicking was magnified by the fact that I was already really sore from yesterday's workout. When I was done with the workout, I could barely hold the bell because of the amount of sweat pouring off of me. Not to mention the fact that I was completely out of breath. I really do enjoy working out! I hopped into the shower and got ready for work. As I was getting ready to spend my a day in gray walled cube, I realized that I could hardly move. Every muscle in my body was screaming at me and asking me why I insisted on putting them through such torture. I only smiled an continued getting ready. Let me tell you that if you are trying to get a firm and shapely rear end, then kettlebells and Lauren's workouts are totally for you! It hurt to sit and I literally sit at a computer for at least 8 hours a day. I honestly can't wait to do this workout again.

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