Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It is definitely getting easier ...

Wednesday - Strength Training
  • Kettlenetics - 20 minutes (FlowMotion Basics Workout)
Even though I was totally drenched with sweat after my workout this morning, I can absolutely tell that it is getting easier with the 8 lb. KBell. When I first tried this workout with the heavier bell, my arms literally wanted to kill me during the single arm high pulls and the single arm swings.When I did the workout this morning, my arms didn't really protest. If I could have gone a little bit faster, I would have said the I did the workout perfectly (almost). At this point, I feel that the heavier weight is the main reason why I can't get the rhythm of the workout quite right. Hopefully, I will be able to get the rhythm down with a few more attempts at this workout.

Once I was down with my kettlebells, my thoughts turned to whether or not I should go to my Bikram class tonight. Last Wednesday, the teacher told us that she was going on vacation for a couple of weeks. I know that the point of the Bikram practice is that you get the same workout every time you attend class but I have found that the energy of the teacher can have an impact on the class. The tone in the voice, ther strength of the voice and the instruction provided all have an impact. I am not going to want to spend 90 minutes in a room with a teacher whose voice sounds like nails on a chalkborad. The decision about going to the Bikram class was made shortly after I got to work. I checked the class schedule online to see who would be teaching the class. It just so happens to be the one teacher whose voice really does sound like nails on a chalkboard to me. I decided that maybe it was a good thing that he was teaching the class because I have a BUNCH of things to do tonight after work. Maybe if I get everything done by Sunday afternoon, I will be able to go to a Bikram class (taught by my second favorite teacher of course).

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