- Kettlenetics - 20 minutes (FlowMotion Basics Video)
- Yoga - 90 minutes (Bikram Yoga Class)
I have started to do research into traditional Kettlebell training. Yesterday, I purchased a book called "From Russia with Tough Love: Pavel's Kettlebell Workout for a Femme Fatale" by Pavel Tsatsouline. Pavel is apparently the man who brough Kettlebells from Russia to the United States. I figured that if this is the type of strength training that I am going to continue to use then I want to to know as much as possible about it. I also figured that I should get the most accurate information possible. There are several reasons why I chose this book. One of them is because this book goes in depth into each of the major movements done in traditional Kettlebell training. This book also has an 8-week training program that is designed to take the user from a novice Kettlebell user to a Kettlebell enthusiast. I am excited to read this book and to try the training program. After I finish reading the book and have gone through the full training program, I will write a special post about the book and my results.
After my yoga workout on Sunday morning, I decided that I wanted to get back into my Bikram Yoga practice. I found Bikram Yoga about 3 years ago. I was in love with this style of yoga after the very first class. At the time, I was only able to go once a week and didn't have time to devote to an at home practice. The recommended routine is to practice the 90 minute set of sequences at least once a day for 60 days (2 months) in order to see the full benefits of the practice. I have recently rediscovered my love of Bikram Yoga but still haven't been able to incorporate it into my daily routine. The last time I actually practiced this style of yoga about two months ago right before I caught a nasty head cold and before I started my current training regiment. Last night, I decided that I wanted to go to a Bikram class tonight. I didn't expect to be in top form during the class because it has been two months and I did my first full workout with the 8 lb. KBell this morning. After the opening breathing exercise though, I felt utterly amazing. That feeling lasted throughout the entire 90 minute practice. I was able to push myself past my previous limit and actually was able to do the Toe Stand pose, which I haven't been able to do in 3 years! If I don't make it to one of the classes this weekend, I will totally be going back next week!
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