Monday, June 27, 2011

Lazy Day and Target Toning Workout ...

Sunday - Rest

I actually took the day to rest. After my long run on Saturday, I thought I would have the energy to do one of my yoga workouts on Sunday. I figured it would help my muscles loosen up so that I would be able to start my workout routine all over again on Monday. After waking up on Sunday morning, my plans to do a yoga workout were chucked out of the window. My quads were incredibly sore and I had a total awkward limp going on. I could hardly walk, which was the first time my muscles have ever locked up like that. I wasn't really in pain but my muscles were tight so I decided to not take any chances. Instead I hoped that I would be able to to get my yoga workout in after work on Monday.

Monday - Strength Training
  • Kettlenetics - 52 minutes (Target Toning Workout)
So even though yesterday was a very lazy day for me, I still didn't get to bed early enough to do my workout this morning before work. I actually woke up so late that I had less than an hour to get ready for work. Not exactly the most ideal situation. Let's just say that my hair and make-up were not high on my list of priorities this morning. After I got home from work, I decided to do my Target Toning workout mostly because I haven't done this one in over a week. I am trying to prevent stagnation in my muscles because I want them get the full benefit of my strength training. The last time I did this workout I only used the 4 lb. KBell. This time I chose to incorporate the8 lb. KBell for the movements that I thought were a little easy with the lighter weight. All of the upper body moves were done with the 4 lb. KBell. All of those shoulder circles are still difficult even with the 4 lb. KBell. I can still feel it in arms. Ouch. I did use the 8 lb. KBell for the entire lower body segment, which worked out very well. I could actually feel my lowerbody muscles working. I used both the KBells for the standing core segment and the floor core segment based on the movement and the other muscles groups used. All in all, I felt like this was an excellant workout tonight and I am surely going to feel it in the morning.

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