Thursday, June 23, 2011

My inner thighs are shrinking!

Thursday - 3 miles
  • 4.14 miles, 45' 03" minutes, 10' 53" min/mile average pace, 168 BPM average heart rate
When I was training for my first race, I really didn't have a problem getting up early enough to go for a run. Thus far, I have been unable to do that while training for my very first half marathon. I don't think my nerves have quite kicked in yet. Normally, I would be so nervous that I wouldn't be able to get much sleep during my training. at least that is what happened when I was training for my very first race. Of course that training schedule only lasted for 10 weeks while this one is 18 weeks. Maybe my nerves will start to kick in the closer it gets to the actual race. Another major difference between my previous training schedule and my current one is that I have added strength training. When I first started running, all I did was run. I also did some yoga but the majority of my training was just running. After my first race when I discovered that I was completely hooked, I started doing research. I wanted to improve and I wanted to know the best way to do because frankly I thought that my first race went dismally. Several articles that I found on and indicated that strength training is just as important to runners as the actual running. This is mostly because strength training helps the body to strengthen the core and stabilizer muscles. These muscles are used in different ways throughout a run. During my first race, I got a cramp in my side around mile marker 1 that just would not go away. I tried to breathe through it. I tried walking it out. It just wouldn't go away. Since I have started adding strength training to my training schedule, I have not gotten another side cramp. I am not saying that I will never get another side cramp again but I know that my strength training has improved my overall fitness, which is benefiting my running.

I accidentally went a mile beyond my planned run. I did accomplish my ultimate goal for tonight's workout. Since my Thursday runs are my tempo runs, I wanted to maintain my maximum pace for at least 30 minutes. I surprised myself and actually completed my goal for tonight. The last 5 minutesat my maximum pace were the hardest and I had to keep reminding myself that I was almost done. I would say that means I was running at the appropriate pace. Unlike last Thursday, my body wasn't ridiculously sore all day so I was able to push myself a little more than last week. I actually felt really accomplished after my run. I maintained a 4.5 mph belt pace for 30 minutes and my overall average pace was less than 11 minutes/mile. I was shocked with my pace to be quite honest with. The other 15 minutes of my run consisted of a 10 minute running warm up (5 minutes at 3.5 mph and 5 minutes at 4.0 mph) and a 5 minute running cool down (4.0 mph). I also did my 5 walking warm up and 10 minute walking cool down.

On another note, I have proof that my inner thighs are actually getting smaller. In March, I bought a pair of running shorts that were just like the ones that you see everyone wearing. I wore them for one of my long training runs and it did not end well. When I returned from my run, I ended up lathering my inner thighs with neosporin and covering them with band aids. I ended up throwing those shorts to the back of one of my drawers and not taking them out again. Instead, I went and bought a pair of spandex compression shorts to wear on my long runs. When my new running skirt didn't cause any uncomfortable irritation between my thighs, I decided that maybe it was time to try the running shorts again. It was a gamble I know but it actually paid off. My inner thighs are completely intact and pain free! No irritation what so ever! I was shocked but my inner thighs have actually shrunk!

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